
The beauty of Redding is not only in its landscape but also in the diversity of people who live and work here. Whether you’re tired of trying to work out of your home office (or closet!), are ready to ditch the long commute to the city, or simply need a separate space to get sh*t done, Georgetown Collective might be the oasis you’re looking for.

With various membership options depending on your needs, we’re excited to include the following with all membership options:

  • unlimited coffee & tea

  • fresh filtered water

  • popup bagels every Friday (while they last!)

  • discounts & special offers from local businesses

  • monthly member events

  • a stacked bar (please drink responsibly and maybe not while working!)

  • lots and lots of snacks

  • our own curated library of interesting books

  • games, toys, and fun for your kiddos if they visit

Ready to sign up? Fill out this form and we’ll send you all the details.

membership options

full-time dedicated desk

secure your own desk and use the space whenever you want! this is the option for you if you want to have a set space to leave your things and make the desk your own. you’ll also get four hours per month of conference room access and everything else we offer.


part-time shared desk

if you don’t need your own dedicated desk or only need to use the space a few days a week, you’re welcome with this option. book your spot at least 24 hours in advance (or set up a regular, recurring schedule) for 10 days per month.


social membership

if you don’t need a desk but want to be involved in our community and educational events, this is the spot for you! get access to gc member discounts, priority access to conference room rental, and exclusive access to events.
